Support, confidence and recipes Helping you feed your toddler without stress
Toddler Mealtimes
A subscription program filled with balanced meal inspiration, recipes, snack ideas and a step-by-step guide to helping your toddler learn to like all foods, while actually enjoying mealtimes. Plus you'll get access to our dream team of feeding specialists.
Consider it the Netflix of how and what to feed your toddler.
Navigate the fussy phases without stress.
Select from our recipe list to create balanced meals that are delicious and nutritious, and beige enough for your toddler to enjoy!
Scroll through the meal inspiration gallery to give you new ideas and reduce your mental load.
Follow our simple approach to help your toddler learn to like a variety of foods.
Learn how to support your toddler to eat as much as they need.
Welcome to the original & best online Australian resource for making toddler eating easier.
Feeding toddlers is hard. So you can stop beating yourself up. It’s not your fault.
There is something you can do that’ll make your mealtime experience infinitely better, though.
We suggest it’s time to stop trying to find the one 'fussy eater approved' recipe that might work (spoiler: it won't), and start listening to a group of trusted professionals who use a clear, evidence-based approach to help you feed your little one without the overwhelm.
With over 50 years of combined experience, Toddler Mealtimes is led by Dr Kyla Smith, a Paediatric Dietitian specialising in preventing and managing fussy eating. With her dream team of dietitians, and paediatric specialists, Toddler Mealtimes will show you how to raise your toddler to feel confident around all foods, and eat what they need to thrive.
That means you can breathe a sigh of relief and take what you need from our guides and video tutorials. We can show you an easier way.
Welcome to your confident approach to feeding your toddler.

Ready to get started?
We have 3 payment options to choose from.
Toddler Mealtimes
A subscription database filled with balanced meal inspiration, recipes, snack ideas and a step-by-step guide to helping your toddler learn to like all foods, while actually enjoying mealtimes. Plus you'll get access to our dream team of feeding specialists.
Our team
will take your hand and walk you through exactly what to do and how to set your toddler up for a lifetime of confident eating. We’ve done all the thinking for you.
The practical information
grows with your toddler, from how much and what to feed them, through to navigating changing preferences, fussy phases and tricky mealtime behaviours. We've got it all. We’ll take you right through to starting school.
The galleries
give you access to hundreds of photos of snacks, simple recipes and meal ideas, with clear instructions. Zero complicated steps here.
Welcome to your judgement-free, stress-free, evidence-based approach to help you feed your toddler with confidence.
When you’ve got access to a team of paediatric dietitians and feeding specialists, here’s what happens:
You make decisions easily. No overthinking. No confusion. You know exactly what you’re going to feed your toddler and how you're going to manage every sticky situation (and yes, we mean sticky both literally and figuratively!)
You stop crowd-sourcing help, instead going straight to the professionals. Your Instagram returns to stalking celebrities and the only thing in your browser is those beautiful loafers you've been eyeing off.
You know you’re doing right by your child. You aren’t just confidently feeding them nutritious meals in the moment.
It’s way more than that.
You’re setting them up for a lifetime of enjoyable eating, a healthy relationship with food, and fostering connections around the dinner table.
And you can stop doubting yourself.
The result?
Full access for all memberships Here’s what you get when you subscribe
A Practical Guide
Your Essentials content includes what to expect during the toddler years, how to implement the Golden Rules for mealtimes, what to feed your toddler and how to respond to the inevitable refusals, food throwing and general day to day challenges that come from small people with big feelings.
Age Appropriate Info
We cater for children aged 1-4 years (inclusive) to help you work out where you're at and what comes next. We'll show you how to safely add in new textures and family meals, without any of the guilt-inducing "shoulds". We'll help you feel empowered, not more worried.
Galleries Galore
We know that pictures speak a thousand words. So we've got all our meal and snack ideas laid out in easy to scroll and search galleries for you to use as inspiration as you need it.
A wide variety of delicious, nutritious, and simple recipes created and approved by a Paediatric Dietitian.
Video Content
Bite-sized videos you can watch or listen to while you’re playing with playdough, on a range of topics like how to set up your equipment, how to safely handle gagging and choking, and how to introduce allergens.
Facebook Group
Access to our private supportive judgement-free Facebook Group, including access to our highly qualified team of feeding specialists.
Extensive Q&A
24/7 access to our Q&A section answering all of the most common speed bumps during toddlerhood. Do you have a highchair escape artist, a flat out refuser or a threenager who can stuff more food into their cheeks than a chipmunk? Breathe a sigh of relief, our Q&A section covers all of these.